Saturday 12 May 2012


I'm not doing a very good job with this blogging thing.. I have been trying to work out the look for this blog, but have got little bit stuck and I think that sort of took my motivation to actually start writing something.
However today I had lovely day with my little girlie and I was just watching her and was thinking how big she is already and I really must must must start writing bits and bobs down as otherwise I will forget. It's all the little things that she does I want to remember and as there is something new almost every day it's impossible to remeber everything.
I haven't been feeling 100% today as I got annoying cold, but we still managed to go for a nice long walk on the seafront. Sun was finally out so had to make the most of it.
Edie is getting quite on pulling herself up. She is yet to learn to get down. I keep helping her. I know I need to let her fall or she won't learn to do it herself, but just feel so awful when she hurts herself.
I promise to be more motivated and try to write more often... Watch this space...

Monday 23 April 2012

My first post

Ok, here we go..
I have been thinking about this for a while and have finally made a decision to start blogging.
Why? Have followed few blogs for a little while and it seemed like fun. Also as my daughter is growing and changing so fast it seemed like a good way to start recording some memories. Another reason is that as my family live so far this would be good way for them to see what we get up to (in moderation of course ;)).

If you are reading this please excuse my bad grammar, it is not my strong point. Also my computer knowledge is not amazing so forgive me my silly mistakes.
I'm here to have bit of fun so trying not to get too hung up about my weak links.

Now off to play around with these confusing looking template things so until the next time...

R x